PPC Services
Customized For You

More Traffic
More Leads
More Revenue

Pay Per Click (PPC) is one of the most effective ways to bring a good volume of traffic to a website. It will help in generating leads through paid search advertisements. Mandala Web Technologies offers one of the top PPC services and we can customize campaigns for your business.  All of your account managers handling your PPC campaigns are Google Certified Experts with years of experience, using the latest tools and techniques available.


Strategy Is The Backbone Of Our
PPC Campaigns

Strategy and Planning- By assessing your priorities, competitive intelligence, market trends and your customer base we devise a plan for a PPC campaign
Selection of Keywords- Keyword selection is one of the most important components. With insights from our strategic plan, we select keywords that will align with our goals
Budget finalization- With your input and competitive landscape we set budgets for your campaign
Ad creation and deployment - Our team will begin creating Ads to be used in the campaign and with your input we finalize the Ad
Optimization and Refinement- The key to any campaign is continuous assessment, refining when needed to maximize return of investment (ROI)

How Mandala will
help you

Mandala web technologies offers a world-class PPC service. Our team of experts will work with you to establish a campaign with effective keywords that is catered to best fit your business and budget. Creating a creative and eye-catching ad is an integral part of our services.