Social Media Solution.
Creatively Enabled.
Strategically Driven.

Social media is helping businesses connect to their audiences in novel ways. They play a crucial role in marketing, advertising, and businesses by adding an emotional touch and opening up other avenues for engagement between brands and their customers. Mandala offers fully customizable Social Media Optimization (SMO) solutions, allowing you to achieve success with the right marketing strategy and engaging content.



Why Is Social Media Optimization
Necessary ?

In the US,  58% of the population (250 million) actively use social networks. The average daily time spent on social networks is 157 minutes (almost 3 hours!), and this number continues to grow yearly. 

These numbers cannot be ignored, as people are spending a significant portion of their time on smartphones, the internet, and social media networks. However, leveraging these networks to benefit your business is not straightforward. The demographics, content, and focus of each network are vastly different. Mandala has customized solutions that are catered to every business needs and budget. 

Benefits of Social Media Optimization:

Create brand identity
Enhance brand recognition
Increase visitors
Boost engagement
Increase trust
Build conversations

Mandala’s SMO Services Are Built With
A Strategic Vision In Mind

Mandala’s social media experts will meticulously assess your needs, market trends, competitive landscape, customer base. This in-depth study will enable us to develop a profitable social media campaign, providing you with a comprehensive solution. 


Strategy & Planning

At Mandala, everything is initiated with building a careful strategy and plan to create an end to end solution for your company. This includes incorporating your priorities, and assessing the competitive landscape, market trends, and customer base.

Identify Social Networks

As noted above, every social network has its advantages and disadvantages. After drafting a strategy and plan, we identify networks that align with the overall vision.

Build & Deploy Campaigns

After our in-depth analysis, with your input we start drafting campaigns, all customized to your vision and budget.

Engage With Potential Customers

Successful Social Media Campaigns don’t end with the posts, it requires customer engagement. Mandala has different solutions depending on your needs.

Optimize & Refine

Finally, with everything we do, we continuously assess depending on metrics and response and refine optimize campaigns.

We Drive Campaign for

Mandala Can Manage All Of Your Social Network Needs

Marketing campaigns
Postings, including live events
Social seeding
Drive “Like” campaigns
Video promotions

Please contact us to set up a consultation appointment with one of Mandala’s experienced account managers